It's been a busy summer. We are busy remodeling a bathroom ourselves because we cannot afford a professional. We do not have time either but it's easier to find time than money for now. It is difficult and time consuming especially when you have a demanding work and active toddler. The fact is it is not our first time doing bathroom remodelling. We did it several years ago but it was not a good job. So, more experienced this time, we thought it would be easier. Wrong! I promised myself that I would never tackle this kind of endeavour again for as long as I am sane. However, we are getting good compliments from professionals, none the less, that we did a great tile work. This made me smile...
Anyhow, despite the busy-ness and insanity, we're still able to squeeze in some small trips. We visited my sister in CT and strolled NYC. I attended my college reunion in NJ. We met with my husband's friends in Chicago. We went to the State Fair twice. Now, we are debating if we would go to Minneapolis or not. I would like to go but the bathroom is still not done...
Oh well, I just want to share my favorite photo of the season.
while watching an evening parade in Pella, Iowa.