So, today after work and driving my mother to Walmart, Benji and I went to visit her in the nursing home. I was nervous and excited to see her again. When I arrived in her darkened room, the first thing I noticed was that she has not changed. She's probably thinner but she still looks defiant and alert. The sad thing is she does not remember me. I explained to her who I was and my husband. But nothing clicked in her brain. All my excitement drained quickly. She told me that she just wants to sleep. We left her room in a hurry to give her peace. I felt deep sorow as I closed her door.
A tiny tinged of relief also found its way as I trudged the long hallway. I felt guilt not keeping in touch with her. Now, I realized why we drifted apart. She's been tired for a long time. She wants to be left alone.
My father seems to be a daily visitor in my thoughts. I don't dislike the visit. It just makes me sad. Sad that I did not do more to take care of him when he was sick. Sad that our relationship was not ideal. Sad that I cannot take back time to correct my wrong. I constantly think of his sacrifices for us, and his disappointments toward me.
I would like to believe that my father is in a better place. I hope that he knows that I am thinking about him. I cannot light up a candle overnight like they do in the Philippines but I am remembering just the same. Happy All Soul's Day!
P.S. I just want to share this video about a doctor who experienced afterlife while in coma...
I liked this interview of Dr. Alexander better. It certainly is more convincing to my scientific mind.
My wife has dealt with a lot of cancer patients over the years, some have been very close friends. It is always hard to lose them. Her closest friend that she lost still brings tears to her eyes when she talks about it two decades later.
I forgot to leave the link:
Hi Ed, Thanks for sharing....
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